Hearing Health Blog

Simple Ways to Protect Your Hearing This Summer

Simple Ways to Protect Your Hearing This Summer

Summer is here! This summer season has tons of fun. But before you go to the beach, the concert, or the backyard cookout, don’t forget to take care of your hearing. When you’re out appreciating summer, remember that your hearing can be damaged by loud noises. In the summer you’re a lot more likely to […]

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Over the Counter Hearing Aids: Are You Taking a Risk?

Over the Counter Hearing Aids: Are You Taking a Risk?

Remember when you used to be able to find those gallon buckets of ice cream at the grocery store? A whole gallon of ice cream, yum! But you begin to become more specific in your taste as you mature. You begin going for the more specialized ice cream: the Haagen-Daaz, the Tillamook, the Ben & […]

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Ear Wax Buildup: What You Need to Understand

Ear Wax Buildup: What You Need to Understand

Don’t neglect cleaning your ears. It’s difficult not to say that in your “parenting” voice. Maybe when you were a kid you even remember your parents telling you to do it. That’s the kind of memory that can remind you of simpler times as you wrap yourself in the nostalgia of childhood. But it’s also […]

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The Role of Technology in Managing Hearing Loss

The Role of Technology in Managing Hearing Loss

Do you know what a cyborg is? You most likely imagine a half human, half machine when you think about cyborgs, particularly if you love science fiction movies (these characters are typically cleverly used to comment on the human condition). Hollywood cyborgs can seem wildly bizarre. But actually, somebody wearing something as simple as a […]

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Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Repaired Professionally?

Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Repaired Professionally?

You go out of your way to ensure your hearing aids are well taken care of. When you go to sleep, you always put them snuggly on the charger and you clean them every day. Suddenly and discouragingly, your hearing aids are no longer working the way they once did. There are several things you […]

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Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?

Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?

If you’re still wearing your older hearing aids, they may be better than no hearing aids, but they also may be costing you in some ways. Within the past few years, hearing aid technology has made significant progress. Ten years ago many of the features of modern hearing aids weren’t even in development, going digital […]

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How You Can Improve Your Mood by Getting Regular Hearing Exams

How You Can Improve Your Mood by Getting Regular Hearing Exams

Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be used to treat the prevalent condition of hearing loss. Unfortunately, hearing loss frequently goes undiagnosed and unaddressed. For people who suffered from hearing loss, this can trigger feelings of social-separation and depression. It can also cause a breakdown in personal and professional relationships, which itself contributes to […]

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How Auditory Training Can be Elevated by AudioBooks

How Auditory Training Can be Elevated by AudioBooks

We used to call them books-on-tape, way back when. Naturally, that was well before CDs, not to mention digital streaming. Nowadays, people refer to them as audiobooks (which, we won’t lie, is a much better name). With an audiobook, you will listen to the book being read by a narrator. It’s kind of like having […]

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Those Late Night Bar Visits Could be Contributing to Your Tinnitus

Do you recollect the old tale about Johnny Appleseed? When you were younger you likely heard the tale of how Johnny Appleseed traveled around bringing fresh apples to communities (you should eat apples because they’re a healthy choice and that’s the moral of the story). Actually, that isn’t the entire reality. The authentic Johnny Appleseed […]

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    Hearing Aids By Tricia Leagjeld

    Redmond, OR

    708 SW 11th StreetRedmond, OR 97756On the corner of Glacier (Hwy 126) and 11th

    Call or Text: 541-640-5354

    Monday through Friday
    9am – 4:30pm

    Redmond, OR Google Business Profile

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