Hearing Health Blog

Feel Youthful Again With These 10 Hearing Tips

Feel Youthful Again With These 10 Hearing Tips

Feeling younger can be accomplished in a wide variety of ways. But protecting your hearing is one way that is often ignored. Diet and exercise have been promoted for years as a proven way to extend your lifespan while improving your quality of life. It also helps prevent heart disease, cancer, and promotes weight control. […]

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Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Some activities are just staples of summer: Air shows, concerts, fireworks, state fairs, Nascar races, etc. The crowds, and the noise levels, are growing as more of these activities are going back to normal. But sometimes this can bring about problems. Let’s face it: you’ve had ringing in your ears after going to a concert […]

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Which Hearing Loss Symptoms Are Red Flags?

Which Hearing Loss Symptoms Are Red Flags?

Hearing loss can be caused by many things and is usually very aggravating. There are some situations where hearing loss is a consequence of a more serious underlying health problem and isn’t just the result of an injury or aging. These are some hearing loss red flags you should look for Hearing loss will often […]

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Can Headaches be Triggered by Hearing Aids?

Can Headaches be Triggered by Hearing Aids?

Everyone’s hearing loss situation is unique and hearing aids are manufactured to make up for those individual conditions. If your hearing aids are causing headaches or any other kind of pain, whether you’ve been using them for years or you’re a new user, there’s a solution. If your hearing aid is adjusted properly it will […]

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This is Why Hearing Aid Batteries Die so Fast

This is Why Hearing Aid Batteries Die so Fast

Does it seem as if your hearing aid batteries drain way too quickly? There are numerous reasons why this might be happening that may be unexpected. How long should hearing aid batteries last? The standard hearing aid battery lasts anywhere between 3 and 7 days. That range is rather wide. But it’s so wide that […]

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These 6 Behaviors Suggest You’re Dealing With Hearing Loss

In conversation with friends, you want to be courteous. You want your clients, co-workers, and supervisor to see that you’re totally engaged when you’re at work. With family, you may find it easier to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person next to you to fill in what you missed, just a little […]

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My Hearing Sounds Muffled?

My Hearing Sounds Muffled?

You’ve been anticipating this all week: a Zoom call with your son and daughter-in-law. You’ll have a blast and get caught up with your cherished family members. But when you log in you notice, to your sadness and disappointment, that you can’t hear very well. Your hearing aids are in, but everything sounds muffled. You […]

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Why do I Hear Crackling in my Ear?

Why do I Hear Crackling in my Ear?

Crackling in your ear? Crackling, buzzing, “static”, or whooshing noises in your ear can all be symptoms of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s some info. Do you hear phantom sounds like thumping, buzzing, or ringing in your ears? If this is happening with hearing aids, it could mean you need to come in and […]

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Can Brain Atrophy be Triggered by Hearing Loss?

Can Brain Atrophy be Triggered by Hearing Loss?

As we age we begin to have difficulty hearing clearly and we usually just accept it as a normal part of growing older. Perhaps we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Perhaps the volume on our TV keeps getting louder. We might even discover that we’re becoming forgetful. […]

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7 Ways to Prepare for Your Hearing Exam

7 Ways to Prepare for Your Hearing Exam

You totally spaced your hearing test tomorrow, but that’s not really surprising, you’re really busy. Fortunately, you just received that reminder text from us, and you still have a few hours to get ready. So what should I do to get ready? Hearing exams aren’t like back in college or high school where you’d have […]

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    Hearing Aids By Tricia Leagjeld

    Redmond, OR

    708 SW 11th StreetRedmond, OR 97756On the corner of Glacier (Hwy 126) and 11th

    Call or Text: 541-640-5354

    Monday through Friday
    9am – 4:30pm

    Redmond, OR Google Business Profile

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